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Technical Soccer Drills

Are you a soccer coach or professional looking to enhance your training sessions with technical drills? In this blog post, we will explore a variety of essential drills focused on dribbling, passing, shooting, first touch, and defending.

Dribbling Drills

Cone Dribbling


  • Place a cone inside the grid and dribble around it with speed and accuracy.
  • Focus on quick changes of direction and close ball control.


  • Position a cone outside the grid and practice dribbling around it while keeping the ball within reach.
  • Develop agility, back-and-forth movements, and butt-kicks for better control.

Figure Eight 

  • et up two cones in a figure eight shape and dribble through them, focusing on maintaining control as you navigate tight turns.
  • Improve your agility, communication between feet, and overall dribbling skills.

Dribble between cones

Zig-Zag Dribbling

Speed and Agility Zig-Zag Drill: Test your players' pace, agility, and dribbling skills with this drill. Set up a series of cones in a zig-zag pattern about 5 yards apart. Players should dribble the ball through the course while maintaining control and changing direction quickly. Emphasize accuracy in passing between cones to challenge their communication and passing abilities.

Improve your players' speed, agility, and dribbling skills with Zig-Zag Dribbling drills. Players navigate through a series of cones in quick changes of direction, enhancing their control and passing abilities while challenging their communication and coordination.

Change of Direction Zig-Zag Drill: Help your players become more agile and quick on their feet with this drill. Place four cones in a square formation about 10 yards apart. Players must dribble the ball around the outside of the square, making quick changes of direction at each cone before moving on to the next one. Encourage them to use different parts of their foot for better control and varying speeds for added difficulty.

Passing and Receiving Zig-Zag Drill: Develop your footballers' passing accuracy, receiving skills, and overall coordination with this challenging drill. Set up two lines facing each other about 10-15 yards apart, with several cones placed randomly between them as obstacles. One player starts by dribbling through the zig-zag course while avoiding contact with any cones or other players from the opposite line who are trying to intercept or block passes. The focus here is on precise passes under pressure along with efficient movement without losing control over both themselves as well as possession over respective balls during gameplay scenarios where they may encounter diverse distractions

Dribble and Shoot

1v1 Attack and Finish Drill: This drill focuses on developing players' dribbling skills and their ability to finish in a 1v1 situation. Set up cones in a straight line about 10 yards apart, with a goal at one end. Players take turns dribbling through the cones towards the goal, trying to beat a defender who is positioned between the cones. The emphasis is on quick footwork, agility, and accuracy in shooting.

Combination Play into Shooting Drill: This drill helps players improve their communication and combination play leading to an effective shot on goal. Divide players into pairs or small groups and set up several cone grids around the field. Each group starts with two balls at one grid while another player acts as the goalkeeper. Players perform passing combinations within their grids before executing a final pass or cross that leads to a shot on goal. The focus is on quick thinking, precise passing, and creating scoring opportunities.

Fast Break Attack and Finish Drill: This drill replicates game situations where teams transition quickly from defense to offense for fast break attacks leading to goals. Set up two teams with defenders starting near their own penalty area while attackers start from midfield or further back if you want more distance covered during the breakaway. One team tries to quickly counter-attack by dribbling or passing forward while defenders try to stop them from scoring using proper defensive positioning and tackling techniques. The objective is for attackers to develop speed, decision-making skills under pressure, as well as accurate finishing abilities when presented with opportunities inside the opposing team's penalty area.

Passing Drills

Wall Passes

Wall passes are a crucial element of quick and effective gameplay. They require precise timing, coordination, and communication between players. Incorporating wall passes into your training sessions can greatly improve your team's ability to maintain possession and create scoring opportunities.

Passing Drills

  • 1-touch wall passes: Encourage players to use quick one-touch passes off the wall to enhance their speed of play and decision-making skills.
  • 2-touch wall passes: Develop players' control and accuracy by practicing two-touch wall passing exercises that focus on receiving with one foot and passing with the other.
  • Wall pass and overlap: Teach players how to execute a wall pass followed by an overlapping run, creating dynamic attacking options for your team.

By incorporating these drills into your training sessions, you will enhance your team's technical skills while promoting effective teamwork on the field.

Triangle Passing

Basic triangle passing drill: In this drill, three players form a triangle shape. The player at the base of the triangle passes to one of the other two players, who then quickly pass it back. This drill helps improve passing accuracy and quick decision-making, perfect for a warm-up before a match.

3-player combination passing drill: In this advanced variation of the basic triangle passing drill, the three players work together to complete a series of passes in different combinations. They can use one-touch or two-touch passes to keep the ball moving swiftly between them. This drill enhances communication and coordination among teammates.

Passing triangle with movement: To add an element of mobility to the basic triangle passing drill, incorporate movement into it. Each player moves within their designated area while maintaining good spacing with their teammates in order to receive and deliver accurate passes. This exercise promotes understanding positioning on the field during game situations whilst also improving agility skills.

Long Passing

Accuracy is crucial in long passing drills. Players should focus on their technique and footwork to ensure they can deliver precise and well-weighted passes over longer distances. Coaches can incorporate drills that simulate game scenarios, such as switching the play with long balls, which helps players develop vision and awareness of space on the field. It is also important to train players to execute long diagonal passes under pressure, teaching them how to maintain composure while making accurate deliveries even when facing defensive challenges.

Shooting Drills

One-Touch Finishing: Improve your players' speed and accuracy in front of the goal with this drill. Set up a small goal and have the players pass the ball to each other, aiming for a one-touch finish into the net. Emphasize proper technique and quick decision-making to enhance their shooting skills under pressure.

Accuracy Shooting: Enhance your players' precision by setting up targets inside the goal. Place cones or markers in different areas of the net, challenging them to hit specific spots when shooting. This drill not only improves their aim but also encourages them to focus on hitting different parts of the goal, helping them become more versatile shooters when margins can be fine.

One-Touch Finishing

Pass and Shoot: One of the most effective ways to achieve a one-touch finish is through a pass and shoot drill. This drill focuses on quick decision-making and precision in both passing and shooting. Players should practice receiving a pass from various angles, quickly adjusting their body position, and executing an accurate shot within seconds.

Cross and Finish: Another key aspect of one-touch finishing is mastering the art of crossing and finishing. In this drill, players work on delivering accurate crosses into the box while their teammates make well-timed runs towards goal. The emphasis here is on reading the flight of the ball, positioning oneself correctly, and using proper technique to guide the ball into the net with just one touch.

Shooting Soccer Drills

Rebound Shooting: One-touch finishing drills can also incorporate rebound shooting exercises which simulate real-game scenarios. Here, players must react quickly to rebounds off goalkeepers or defenders by instinctively striking the ball into an open net with precision accuracy. This sharpens their reflexes, improves spatial awareness inside the box, and develops their ability to capitalize on scoring opportunities in tight spaces.

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Accuracy Shooting

Target Practice is a crucial component of accuracy shooting. Players should aim to consistently hit specific targets on the goal, such as the corners or top bins. This drill helps improve their precision and control over their shots. Bending Shots are another technique that can enhance accuracy shooting. By using the inside or outside of their foot, players can curl the ball around defenders and into the desired target area. Practicing powerful strikes also contributes to accurate shooting by ensuring that shots have enough velocity to beat goalkeepers and find the back of the net with force and precision.

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Volleys and Half-Volleys

Volley Challenge: This drill is designed to improve players' ability to strike the ball cleanly in mid-air. Set up a goal and have players take turns volleying the ball into it from different angles. Encourage them to focus on technique and aim for accuracy.

Half-Volley Accuracy Drill: This drill helps players develop their control when receiving a half-volley pass and accurately redirecting it towards a target. Set up cones or markers as targets, then have players practice receiving half-volleys and passing the ball towards the targets using various techniques such as inside of the foot, outside of the foot, or laces.

Chest-Controlled Volley: The chest-controlled volley is an advanced skill that requires precise timing and coordination. Have players practice controlling high balls with their chests before immediately striking them on the volley. Emphasize proper body positioning and technique for optimal power and accuracy. 

  • Focus on technique
  • Improve accuracy
  • Develop control
  • Practice different variations

First Touch Drills

Cushion Control

Cushion Control is a crucial skill for soccer players, as it allows them to control the ball effectively and maintain possession. Here are some key techniques to improve cushion control:

  • Inside Foot Cushion: Use the inside of your foot to receive and cushion the ball. This technique provides more control and helps you redirect the ball quickly.
  • Outside Foot Cushion: Mastering this technique allows you to cushion the ball with the outside of your foot, particularly useful when receiving fast passes or when under pressure from opponents.
  • Thigh Cushion: Utilize your thigh to absorb the impact of high balls. Positioning yourself correctly and keeping a soft touch on impact will help you keep possession.

By practicing these techniques, players can enhance their ability to receive and control passes effectively in various game situations.

One-Touch Control

Wall Pass Drill: The Wall Pass Drill is a great way to improve one-touch control and passing accuracy. Set up two cones about 10 yards apart, with a player standing in between them. The player in the middle receives a pass from one side and immediately passes it back to the other side without stopping the ball. This drill emphasizes quick decision making, communication, and precision passing.

Soccer Touch

Triangle Passing Drill: The Triangle Passing Drill is an excellent exercise for improving one-touch control and creating quick combinations with teammates. Set up three cones in a triangle shape about 15 yards apart. Three players stand at each cone, with one player starting as the server in the middle of the triangle. The server passes to either of his teammates who must then pass it back with just one touch before quickly moving into another position within their designated cone area.

Long Ball Reception Drill: Developing strong receiving skills for long balls is crucial for maintaining possession and launching effective counter-attacks. In this drill, create two lines of players about 30 yards apart facing each other. One line serves long balls while players from the opposite line practice controlling them using various body parts without letting the ball bounce or lose control.

Remember that mastering these drills requires repetition, focus on technique, and consistent practice sessions that gradually increase intensity levels over time!

Turning with the Ball

Drag Back Turn: The drag back turn is a crucial skill for players to quickly change direction while maintaining possession of the ball. With this move, the player uses the sole of their foot to drag the ball backward, creating space to turn away from defenders and advance towards goal. It requires good control and timing, making it an effective technique in tight spaces.

Inside Hook Turn: The inside hook turn is a deceptive move that allows players to evade opponents by quickly changing direction. To execute this technique, the player hooks their foot around the ball from inside as they pivot on their supporting leg. This sudden change in direction can catch defenders off guard and create opportunities for attacking plays.

Cruyff Turn: Named after Dutch football legend Johan Cruyff, this turn is a classic maneuver used by many skilled players to deceive opponents. During a Cruyff turn, the player appears as though they will pass or cross with one foot but instead drags or pushes the ball behind their standing leg using either inside or outside of that same foot before accelerating away in a new direction.

Defending Drills

1v1 Defending

Close Marking:

  • Stay close to your opponent, denying them space and time on the ball.
  • Position yourself between the attacker and the goal.
  • Stay focused on their movements, anticipating their next move.

Body Positioning:

  • Adopt a low body stance to maintain balance and stability.
  • Keep your body between the attacker and the goal at all times.
  • Use your arms for leverage while maintaining a safe distance from your opponent.

Timing Tackles:

  • Wait for the right moment to make a tackle, timing is crucial.
  • Be patient and avoid diving into challenges too early.
  • Aim to win possession cleanly without giving away fouls.

Recovery Runs

Quick Acceleration: During recovery runs, players should focus on their acceleration to quickly regain defensive positioning. This drill emphasizes explosive movements and helps improve speed and agility on the field.

Change of Direction: Recovery runs also provide an opportunity for players to work on their change of direction skills. Incorporating sudden turns and quick shifts in movement can enhance a player's ability to react swiftly during game situations.

Tracking Back: Another important aspect of recovery runs is tracking back defensively. Players learn how to maintain discipline by immediately turning around after an attack and hustling back into position, ensuring they are ready to defend against counterattacks effectively.

Defending in Small Spaces

Pressuring the Ball Carrier: Defending in small spaces requires constant pressure on the ball carrier. Players should aim to stay tight and deny them time and space to make decisions. Applying immediate pressure forces quick passes or turnovers, disrupting the opponent's attacking flow.

Soccer Defending Drills

Communication with Teammates: Effective communication is vital when defending in small spaces. Constantly communicate with teammates to coordinate defensive movements, mark opponents, and provide support. Clear and concise instructions ensure everyone is on the same page, resulting in a cohesive defensive unit.

Maintaining Defensive Shape: It's crucial to maintain a compact defensive shape when defending in small spaces. Players must be disciplined and avoid getting dragged out of position. Staying organized allows for quick shifts between defenders and prevents gaps from opening up for opponents to exploit.

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What drills should be used to teach ball control?

To teach ball control, there are several drills that can be used. One effective drill is the cone dribbling drill, where players navigate through a series of cones while maintaining control of the ball. This drill helps improve close ball control, agility, and quick footwork. Another useful drill is the wall pass drill, where players pass the ball against a wall and receive it back, focusing on controlling the ball with various parts of their body. This drill helps improve first touch, control, and passing accuracy. Additionally, the ladder drill can be utilized to improve footwork and coordination, as players move their feet quickly and precisely through a ladder while dribbling the ball. Overall, these drills can greatly enhance ball control skills and contribute to a player's overall performance on the field.

How can a player practice shooting while on the move?

To practice shooting while on the move, players can incorporate drills that simulate game-like situations. One effective drill is the dribble and shoot drill, where players start by dribbling the ball towards the goal at different angles, and then quickly transition into a shooting position while maintaining control of the ball. This drill helps players develop the ability to shoot accurately and with power while in motion. Another useful drill is the cross and finish drill, where players receive a cross from a teammate while on the move and then take a shot on goal. This drill helps players improve their timing, positioning, and ability to shoot on the run. By practicing these drills consistently, players can enhance their shooting skills while in motion and become more effective in game situations.

What drills can be used to teach players how to shield the ball?

To teach players how to shield the ball, there are several drills that can be utilized. One effective drill is the "protect the cone" drill, where players form pairs and each pair has a cone placed between them. The objective is for one player to shield the cone while the other player tries to win possession. This drill helps players improve their body positioning, balance, and ability to protect the ball from defenders. Another useful drill is the "circle of players" drill, where players stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other while trying to shield it from the player in the middle. This drill enhances players' ability to use their body as a shield and maintain possession under pressure. Additionally, the "one-on-one shielding" drill can be utilized, where players take turns dribbling towards each other and attempting to shield the ball from their opponent. This drill focuses on players' agility, strength, and ability to use their body effectively. By incorporating these drills into training sessions, players can develop the necessary skills to shield the ball and retain possession in game situations.

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